Coming Home

Since returning from sunbird heaven the end of March, we haven't come by the insulated winter skin that most souls around these parts have already mastered. As a result we're (I am) extremely wimpy, whining about Iowa's unpredictable/predictable nasty weather regardless of the calendar. My brain tells me it won't last, but still there are goosebumps … and doubt.

Bright green buds push through crusty snow, fragile daffodils and tulips unquestionably heartier and braver than me stand undeterred against the merciless insanity of Iowa in the Spring. I am in awe of their tenacity, their fearless grit. Observing them from the comfort of my warm oasis, still cozy in my well-worn fleece, the air surrounding those buds plunges and still they stand strong against the relentless elements. 

It is always refreshing to return after being away for a spell. Checking back in, my bones relax, thoughts settle, I'm comfortable, I'm home. People know us here, some are even excited to see us, my heart is glad. Family and friends haven't heard our tired stories in a while and are willing to weather a few repeats, a cold beverage or two helps muddle the memory and warms the soul, regardless of the temperature.

Home sweet Iowa Home.


  1. Can't wait until our next hike to hear more stories!


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